
本支持服务条款(以下简称“支持服务条款”)规定了联想凌拓科技有限公司(“联想凌拓”)向客户提供某些支持服务所依据的条款和条件。如果本支持服务条款与联想凌拓通用条款存在冲突,则以本支持服务条款为准。如果这些条款的英语版本与非英语版本之间存在争议,则在适用法律允许的范围内应用本条款的英文版本。 如果客户与联想凌拓就提供支持服务另有可适用的协议,则不适用本支持服务条款。 联想凌拓以外的供应商提供的支持服务应受有关供应商的条款和条件的约束。

These Support Services Terms (“Support Services Terms”) set forth the terms and conditions under which LenovoNetApp Technology Limited (“LenovoNetApp”) will provide certain Support Services to Customer. To the extent there is any conflict between these Support Services Terms and the LenovoNetApp General Terms, these Support Services Terms will control and take precedence. In the event of a dispute between the English and non-English version of these Terms, the English version of the Terms will govern, to the extent permitted by applicable laws. These Support Services Terms shall not apply if Customer has a separate applicable agreement with LenovoNetAppfor the provision of Support Services. Provision of Support Services by Vendors other than LenovoNetApp shall be governed by the concerned Vendor’s terms and conditions.



1.1. 工作日。客户当地时间的星期一至星期五,上午八时至下午五时。

1.2. 客户可更换部件(CRU)。客户可根据联想凌拓提供的指南和文件替换的任何FRU。

1.3. 现场可更换部件(FRU)。硬件中的一个组件或磁盘,不包括文件头,它可在客户地点更换,无需联想凌拓预先配置。根据联想凌拓的合理判断,FRU将是新的或等效于新的。

1.4. 联想凌拓支持网站。联想凌拓告知客户的网站。

1.5. 远程技术支持。提供支持的远程手段,可包括电话和基于网络的支持。

1.6. 软件更新。相应供应商提供的软件更新,可包括:(i)供应商对现有软件版本通常提供的免费增强功能;(ii)供应商为解决现有版本软件的已知问题而通常提供的软件版本;以及(iii)作为适用的支持服务一部分由供应商为个别已知软件问题开发的临时软件修订。

1.7. 支持服务。联想凌拓通常为硬件和软件提供的技术支持和维护服务。

1.8. 支持服务期。订单文件中指定的联想凌拓将提供支持服务的时间周期。

1.9. TRO。安排支持服务提供时间的目标响应目标。


Capitalized terms not specifically defined in these Support Services Terms will have the same meaning as in the LenovoNetApp General Terms. In addition to the definitions set forth in the General Terms, the following definitions shall apply:

1.1. Business Day. Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Customer local time.

1.2. Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU). Any FRU which can be replaced by Customer following guidelines and documentation provided by LenovoNetApp.

1.3. Field Replaceable Unit (FRU). A component or disk in the Hardware, excluding filer heads, which can be replaced at a Customer location without pre-configuration by LenovoNetApp. FRUs will be new or equivalent to new, at LenovoNetApp’s reasonable discretion.

1.4. LenovoNetApp Support Site. The website advised by LenovoNetApp.

1.5. Remote Technical Support. Remote means of providing support which may include telephone and web-based support.

1.6. Software Updates. Updates to the Software provided by the corresponding Vendors and may include: (i) Enhancements made generally available at no charge by the Vendor to existing Software versions; (ii) Software releases made generally available by the Vendor to resolve known issues with existing versions of Software; and (iii) Temporary software modifications developed by the Vendor for individual, known Software issues as part of the applicable Support Services.

1.7. Support Services. LenovoNetApp’s generally available technical support and maintenance services for Hardware and Software.

1.8. Support Services Period. The period of time specified in the Order Documentation during which LenovoNetApp will provide Support Services.

1.9. TRO. The Target Response Objective for timing of delivery of Support Services.

2. 支持服务

2.1. 支持服务的范围。联想凌拓同意在支持服务期内,按订单文件规定,提供客户购买的支持服务。根据具体情况以及订单文件中的明确规定。联想凌拓保留自行决定修改或更新支持服务范围的权利。未经联想凌拓事先书面授权,支持服务不得转让。

2.2. 组合使用。客户必须为系统中的所有组件和控制器购买相同级别的服务权利。客户在组合使用最初购买的用于不同系统的硬件和软件之前将通知联想凌拓,并将升级到新组合系统中现有支持服务权利的最高级别。客户还将根据按价目表计算的结果支付联想凌拓要求的任何额外支持服务费用。

2.3. 超出范围的服务。下列服务不包括在支持服务范围内:

a) 根据上文第2.1条的规定,与客户任何第三方产品有关的服务;

b) 运输或迁移硬件及相关服务,包括弥补任何相关损失的服务;

c) 提供配件、电池、耗材或更换一次性部件,包括但不限于电源线、机架安装套件和电缆;

d) 客户教育、培训和咨询服务;

e) 协助实施或安装不是从联想凌拓或联想凌拓授权来源采购的软件和硬件;

f) 与在客户现场执行的任何工作有关的服务,但订单文件中规定的除外;

g) 与因客户或第三方修改、定制或改进软件而引起的问题有关的服务;

h) 与因客户系统配置变更而引起的问题有关的服务,该变更不符合供应商建议的互操作性矩阵表;

i) 使用与相应供应商发布和/或推荐的相应文档描述不一致的硬件和软件;以及

j) 与因客户或第三方错误、使用软件以外的其他软件或对软件的修改而引起的问题有关的服务。

2.4. 硬件和软件免责声明。联想凌拓与硬件和软件有关的所有保证将在以下情况下无效:

a) 硬件由于故意的或疏忽的行为或疏忽、事故、不可抗力或非文件规定的硬件操作,导致硬件被错误处理、更改、损坏或变得无法操作(例如,磁盘驱动器消磁);

b) 固态驱动器或闪存设备的使用已超过文件中规定的和/或由其原始制造商确定的额定寿命,或未按文件中规定配置;

c) 在事先未与联想凌拓达成书面协议的情况下,由非联想凌拓的人员或实体或者授权的联想凌拓服务代表就硬件和软件执行的服务;

d) 发生电涌或故障,或硬件因灭火导致放电;

e) 客户未能在适用的供应商硬件领域指南和相关信息中规定的耐受范围内为硬件提供合适的环境;

f) 因硬件的清洁、整修或表面改动或者任何电气或现场准备工作而引起的问题;以及

g) 产品或部件,包括但不限于软件或硬件,从联想凌拓相应供应商未授权的来源采购,然后与产品组合。

2.5. 支持服务保证。联想凌拓保证在适用的支持服务期内,支持服务履行的专业和技术熟练方式符合普遍接受的行业惯例。客户违反本保证的唯一且排他的补救措施是由联想凌拓重新履行支持服务。

2.6. 分包。联想凌拓可根据本支持服务条款使用分包商提供支持服务。

2.7. 可用性结束和支持服务结束。供应商将不时公布与硬件或软件可用于报价的最后日期有关的详细信息(“可用性结束”,即“EOA”)和硬件或软件的最后支持日期(“支持服务结束”或“EOS”)有关的详细信息。联想凌拓不会在适用的已发布的EOS日期之后为任何硬件或其组件或软件提供支持服务。对于超过其EOS日期的正在运行软件的硬件,联想凌拓可要求客户将更新到支持的软件版本作为联想凌拓继续提供硬件支持服务的先决条件。

2.8. 更换硬件部件并返还材料授权。如果由联想凌拓技术支持中心(“TSC”)发起的支持案例的决定结果是硬件故障,并且客户有资格获得更换,联想凌拓将提供一个部件,并且期望客户在支持案例决定后的15个日历日内返回该硬件,并遵循提供给客户的返货指南。如未能在上述规定的15天内返还硬件部件,或返还的硬件部件根据上述第2.3条规定处于不受支持的条件的情况下,则联想凌拓有权根据价目表向客户开具发票,说明所提供的替换硬件部件的成本。客户将确保故障硬件不受任何法律义务或限制约束,这些法律义务或限制可能会阻止其更换,并将通过分开装运的方式返还每个CRU和FRU。

2.9. 支持包括原始和扩展硬件保修。在适用的硬件保修期内,联想凌拓将为客户提供365天全天候远程技术支持,为客户交付替换硬件部件以及让客户访问联想凌拓支持网站。客户还可以访问AutoSupport(自动支持)。关于包含硬件保修的支持服务,联想凌拓将在下一个工作日之前使用合理的商业努力交付替换的硬件组件。此类交付受当地国家限制,包括但不限于装运截止时间,以及联想凌拓无法合理控制的其他因素。如果客户没有为支持服务付费,则适用于支持服务的任何TRO在仅保修支持期间不适用。

2.10. 下一个工作日的时间表。FRU或CRU的下一个工作日交付和/或联想凌拓授权服务工程师下一个工作日到达的截止时间为客户当地时间下午3点。如果远程诊断完成和/或CRU/FRU的订购发生于客户当地时间下午3点后,将被视为在下一个工作日完成,并将相应地安排装运和/或到达。(例如,如果诊断发生在周一下午3点之后,CRU/FRU将于周二运送,周三抵达。)

2.11. 现场支持服务。客户如已购买现场支持服务,将会获得以下服务:当客户向TSC发起技术支持案例时,技术支持工程师(“TSE”)将开始识别问题和根据需要进行维修。如果问题无法远程解决,且TSE和客户一致认为现场支持服务是必要和适当的,则TSE将向客户场所派遣一名授权支持工程师(“ASE”)。ASE将在TSC的指导下,对问题进行诊断和隔离,做出必要的更改,恢复系统的正常运行。现场支持服务的TRO将与文件中为替换硬件组件指定的TRO相同。根据下文第2.13节的规定,关于现场软件支持服务,联想凌拓保留定义最合适的现场资源以解决案例并恢复正常运行的权利。在这种情况下,联想凌拓将与客户沟通ASE的预计到达时间,该时间可属于上述的TRO,也可不属于上述TRO。

2.12. 不可退还磁盘。如果客户已购买不可退还磁盘(“NRD”)选项,则该选项将不退还联想凌拓支持网站上定义的作为硬件一部分的有缺陷或故障的磁盘、固态驱动器和其他非易失性存储器组件。客户将保留这些非易失性组件,并对其处置全权负责。客户同意,如果将NRD选项所涵盖的组件返回给联想凌拓,联想凌拓对该等组件上保留的任何数据不负有任何义务或责任。联想凌拓将像对待其他返还部件一样对待这些部件,并将其传送到联想凌拓供应链中进行维修和/或销毁。

2.13. 软件支持服务。如果客户购买的支持服务包括供应商操作的软件支持计划(“SSP”),适用的支持服务期间的软件支持服务包括远程技术支持和获得软件更新,所有这些软件更新是由供应商根据相关的供应商支持条款和条件为这些服务通常提供的。客户应负责安装和实施软件和软件更新,除非客户已购买了支持服务,该支持服务包括按下文第2.14条所述的联想凌拓安装软件更新。联想凌拓可要求客户实施特定的软件升级,以解决当前或未来的问题。客户可能需要自费购买额外的硬件,以使用软件更新和/或软件升级。

2.14. 软件更新的安装。如果客户已购买执行上述安装服务的专业服务,则联想凌拓将支持服务提供期间安装软件更新。TSE将在征得客户同意和参与的情况下,决定安装的方法和时间。联想凌拓可以选择派遣一位ASE到客户现场参与软件更新活动。

2.15. 软件支持服务先决条件。提供软件支持服务的条件是客户满足以下条款:(a)已按照适用的文件安装和操作软件;(b)足够具体地描述了客户正在经历的软件问题的性质及其发生的情况;(c)已复制软件问题,以便该问题可由联想凌拓确认和评估;(d)未直接或间接对本软件作出任何更改、增补或修改;以及(e)将软件安装在符合供应商发布的互操作性矩阵表的基础设施/环境中。


2.1. Scope of Support Services. LenovoNetApp agrees to provide the Support Services purchased by Customer as set forth in the Order Documentation during the Support Services Period. On a case by case basis, and as explicitly set forth in the Order Documentation. LenovoNetApp reserves the right to revise or update the scope of Support Services at its sole discretion. Support Services are non-transferrable without LenovoNetApp’s prior written authorization.

2.2. Combined Use. Customer must purchase the same level of service entitlement for all components and controllers in a system. Customer will notify LenovoNetApp prior to any combined use of Hardware and Software initially purchased for use in separate systems, and will upgrade to the highest level of Support Services entitlement existing in the newly combined system. Customer also will pay any additional Support Services fees required by LenovoNetApp, as calculated in accordance with the Price List.

2.3. Out-of-Scope Services. The following services are not included in the scope of Support Services:

(a) Subject to Section 2.1 above, services related to any third party products of Customer;

(b) Transit or relocation of Hardware and related services, including services to remediate any associated damage;

(c) Provision of accessories, batteries, supplies or replacement of disposable parts, including without limitation power cords, rack mounting kits and cables;

(d) Customer education, training and consulting services;

(e) Implementation or installation assistance for hardware and software not procured from LenovoNetApp or a LenovoNetApp authorized source;

(f) Services related to any work performed at Customer’s site except as specified in the Order Documentation;

(g) Services relating to issues arising from Customer or third-party modifications, customizations, or enhancements to Software;

(h) Services relating to issues arising from a change in Customer’s system configuration which is not in conformance with the Interoperability Matrix suggested by the Vendors;

(i) Use of the Hardware and Software that is not consistent with their corresponding documentation description issued by and/or recommended by the respective Vendors; and

(j) Services relating to issues arising from Customer or third party error, use of software other than Software, or modification of Software.

2.4. Hardware and Software Warranty Disclaimers. All LenovoNetApp warranties related to Hardware and Software will be voided where:

(a) Hardware has been mishandled, altered, damaged or rendered inoperable (e.g., degaussed disk drives) due to willful or negligent acts or omissions, accident, force majeure, or operation of the Hardware other than as specified in the Documentation;

(b) A solid state drive or flash device has been used in excess of its rated life as set forth in the Documentation and/or as determined by its original manufacturer or has not been configured as set forth in the Documentation.;

(c) Services have been performed by a person or entity other than LenovoNetApp or an authorized LenovoNetApp service representative in relation to the Hardware and Software, in the absence of a prior written agreement with LenovoNetApp;

(d) A power surge or failure has occurred or Hardware was subjected to fire suppression discharge;

(e) Customer has failed to provide a suitable environment for the Hardware within the range of tolerances set forth in the applicable Vendor Hardware Universe guidelines and related information;

(f) An issue arises from cleaning, refinishing or cosmetic modification of Hardware, or any electrical or site preparation; and

(g) Products or components, including without limitation, software or hardware, have been procured from a source not authorized by the respective Vendors LenovoNetApp, and then combined with Products.

2.5. Support Services Warranty. LenovoNetApp warrants that for the duration of the applicable Support Services Period, Support Services will be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner consistent with generally accepted industry practices. Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy in relation to a breach of this warranty is a re-performance of the Support Services by LenovoNetApp.

2.6. Subcontracting. LenovoNetApp may use subcontractors to provide the Support Services under these Support Services Terms.

2.7. End of Availability and End of Support. From time to time, Vendors will announce details information related to the last date on which Hardware or Software will be available for quoting (“End of Availability” or “EOA”), and the last date on which Hardware or Software will be supported (“End of Support” or “EOS”). LenovoNetApp will not provide Support Services for any Hardware, or components thereof, or Software after the applicable published EOS date. In relation to Hardware running Software which has passed its EOS date, LenovoNetApp may require Customer to update to a supported version of Software as a prerequisite to LenovoNetApp continuing to provide Hardware Support Services.

2.8. Replacement of Hardware Components and Return Material Authorization. In the event the resolution of a support case initiated with the LenovoNetApp Technical Support Center (“TSC”) is a Hardware failure and the Customer is eligible for a replacement, LenovoNetApp will provide a part with the expectation that the Customer will return such Hardware within 15 calendar days of the support case resolution and follow the return guidelines that are provided to the Customer. Failure to return the Hardware components within the 15 days specified above or their return in a condition rendering them unsupportable under Section 2.3 above shall entitle LenovoNetApp to invoice Customer for the cost of the replacement Hardware components supplied, calculated in accordance with the Price List. Customer will ensure that the failed Hardware is free of any legal obligations or restrictions that could prevent its replacement and will return each CRU and FRU individually by separate shipment.

2.9. Support Included with Original and Extended Hardware Warranty. During the applicable Hardware warranty period, LenovoNetApp will provide Customer with access to 24/7/365 Remote Technical Support, delivery of replacement Hardware components and access to the LenovoNetApp Support Site. Customer will also have access to AutoSupport. In relation to Support Services included with the Hardware warranty, LenovoNetApp will use reasonable commercial efforts to deliver replacement Hardware components by the next Business Day. Such delivery is subject to local country limitations, including but not limited to shipment cut-off times, and other factors beyond the reasonable control of LenovoNetApp. Any TRO applicable for Support Services does not apply during warranty-only support if Customer has not paid for Support Services.

2.10. Next Business Day Schedule. The cutoff time for next Business Day delivery of FRUs or CRUs and/or arrival of a LenovoNetApp Authorized Service Engineer is 3:00 p.m. local Customer time. Remote diagnosis completion and/or CRU/FRU ordering that occurs after 3:00p.m. local Customer time, will be deemed completed on the following Business Day and shipment and/or arrival will be scheduled accordingly. (e.g., if diagnosis occurs after 3:00 p.m. on Monday, CRU/FRU ships Tuesday to arrive on Wednesday).

2.11. Onsite Support Services. If Customer has purchased onsite Support Services, it will receive such services as follows: When Customer initiates a technical support case with the TSC, a Technical Support Engineer (“TSE”) will commence issue identification and repair as necessary. If the issue cannot be resolved remotely, and where the TSE and Customer jointly agree that onsite Support Services are necessary and appropriate, the TSE will dispatch an Authorized Support Engineer (“ASE”) to the Customer site. The ASE will, at the direction of the TSC, work to diagnose and isolate the issue, make necessary changes and restore the normal operation of the systems. The TRO for onsite Support Services will be the same as that specified for replacement Hardware components in the Documentation. Subject to Section 2.13 below, in relation to onsite Software Support Services, LenovoNetApp reserves the right to define the most appropriate onsite resources to resolve the case and restore normal operation. In such cases, LenovoNetApp will communicate with Customer the estimated time of arrival for the ASE, which may or may not fall within the TRO specified above.

2.12. Non-Returnable Disk. If Customer has purchased the Non-Returnable Disk (“NRD”) option, it will not return defective or failed disks solid state drives and other non-volatile memory components as defined on the LenovoNetApp Support Site that are part of the Hardware. Customer will retain such non-volatile components and remain solely responsible for their disposal. Customer agrees that if components covered by the NRD option are returned to LenovoNetApp, LenovoNetApp shall have no obligation or liability whatsoever associated with any data remaining on such components. LenovoNetApp will treat such components like other returned parts and convey them into the LenovoNetApp supply chain for repair and/or destruction.

2.13. Software Support Services. If Customer has purchased Support Services that include a Vendor operated Software Support Plan (“SSP”), Software Support Services during the applicable Support Services Period consists of Remote Technical Support and access to all Software Updates made generally available by the Vendor in accordance with the relevant Vendor support terms and conditions for such services. Customer shall be responsible for installing and implementing Software and Software Updates unless it has purchased a Support Services offering that incudes installation of software updates by LenovoNetApp, as described in Section 2.14 below. LenovoNetApp may require Customer to implement specific Software upgrades to resolve current or prospective issues. Customer may be required to purchase additional Hardware at its own expense to make use of Software Updates and or Software upgrades.

2.14. Installation of Software Updates. If Customer has purchased professional services for performing such installation services, LenovoNetApp will install Software Updates during the provision of Support Services during the Support Services Period. The TSE will determine the method and timing of installation, with Customer’s agreement and participation. LenovoNetApp may choose to dispatch an ASE to the Customer site to participate in Software Update activities.

2.15. Software Support Services Prerequisites. Provision of Software Support Services is conditional upon Customer having: (a) installed and operated the Software in accordance with the applicable Documentation; (b) described with sufficient specificity the nature of the Software issues Customer is experiencing and the circumstances in which they occur; (c) reproduced the Software issue such that it can be confirmed and evaluated by LenovoNetApp; (d) made no changes, additions, or modifications to the Software, directly or indirectly; and (e) installed the Software in an infrastructure/environment that adheres to the Interoperability Matrix published by the Vendor.

3. 客户的责任

3.1. 客户联系人。客户将指定至多3名技术合格的员工,作为客户接收支持服务的主要联系人。

3.2. 客户信息。客户在收到产品后,应立即负责向相关供应商和客户的支持档案登记所有硬件和软件。客户将保持此档案为最新状态。如有的话,只有客户向联想凌拓和/或供应商提供了准确的信息,包括送货地址和现场服务地址、关键客户联系人的姓名和电话号码以及访问客户位置的途径,才能满足TROs要求。如果此信息不准确或过时和/或无法进入客户地点或联想凌拓ASE或其他代表进入客户地点被拒,遵守任何适用的TRO的时间将从客户提供给联想凌拓正确的资料和/或联想凌拓ASE获许进入客户地点的那时算起。

3.3. 其他权限。如果联想凌拓为提供支持服务而需要访问客户拥有或许可的任何计算机系统或软件,则客户将获得所有相关权限。

3.4. 工作环境。客户应为产品提供合格的数据中心环境,该环境应满足文件中所述的产品规格要求。客户将为联想凌拓或联想凌拓ASE提供安全的工作环境,并作出联想凌拓认为履行支持服务合理必要的一切必要安排。

3.5. 设备迁移。如果客户希望迁移硬件或软件,客户将在迁移前至少30天与联想凌拓TSC联系。如果客户的现有支持服务在新地点提供,则联想凌拓将通知客户。客户承认,硬件或软件的迁移可能会导致范围缩小和支持服务价格提高。联想凌拓将根据具体情况与客户沟通。如果客户未能按照上述要求通知联想凌拓硬件或软件的迁移事宜,联想凌拓可自行决定拒绝提供支持服务。如果迁移后支持服务价格上涨,客户将及时向联想凌拓提交采购订单并支付相关的联想凌拓发票。

3.6. 失效支持的恢复。如果客户希望在原始支持服务期间期满或终止后的一段失效时间之后恢复支持服务,客户将支付联想凌拓等于该失效期间应缴的支持服务费的金额,以及任何适用的恢复费用和购买进一步支持服务的应付金额。所有这些金额将按照价目表计算。


3.1. Customer Contacts. Customer will designate up to 3 technically qualified employees to serve as Customer’s primary points of contact in relation to the receipt of the Support Services.

3.2. Customer Information. Immediately on receipt, Customer shall have the responsibility to register all Hardware and Software with the relevant Vendor and Customer’s support profile. Customer will keep this profile up-to-date. TROs, if any, can be met only if Customer has provided LenovoNetApp and/or the Vendor with accurate information including delivery and on-site service addresses, names and phone numbers of key Customer contacts and access to Customer’s location. If this information is inaccurate or obsolete and/or access to Customer’s location is unavailable or denied to the LenovoNetApp ASE or other representatives, adherence to any applicable TRO will be measured from the time that correct information is provided by the Customer to LenovoNetApp and/or the LenovoNetApp ASE is granted access to Customer’s location.

3.3. Miscellaneous Permissions. In the event that LenovoNetApp requires access to any computer systems or software owned or licensed by Customer in order to provide the Support Services, Customer will obtain all associated permissions.

3.4. Work Environment. Customer shall provide a qualified datacenter environment for the Products, which should meet the requirements of the Products’ respective specifications as stated in the Documentation. Customer will provide LenovoNetApp or the LenovoNetApp ASE with a safe working environment and make all necessary arrangements as LenovoNetApp may determine is reasonably necessary to perform the Support Services.

3.5. Equipment Relocation. In the event that Customer wishes to relocate Hardware or Software, Customer will contact the LenovoNetApp TSC at least 30 days prior to such relocation. LenovoNetApp will notify Customer if Customer’s existing Support Services are available at the new location. Customer acknowledges that relocation of the Hardware or Software may result in a decrease of the scope and an increase in the pricing of Support Services. LenovoNetApp will communicate this to Customer on a case-by-case basis. If Customer fails to notify LenovoNetApp of the relocation of Hardware or Software as required above, LenovoNetApp may refuse to provide the Support Services at its sole discretion. In the event of an increase in pricing of Support Services following relocation, Customer will promptly submit a Purchase Order to LenovoNetApp and pay the associated LenovoNetApp invoice.

3.6. Reinstatement of Lapsed Support. In the event that Customer wishes to reinstate Support Services after a lapsed period following expiration or termination of the original Support Services Period, Customer will pay to LenovoNetApp an amount equal to the Support Services fees that would have been due for accrued Support Services during such lapsed period, as well as any applicable reinstatement fee and the amount due for the go-forward Support Services Period being purchased. All such amount will be calculated in accordance with the Price List.